Sunday, June 28, 2009

Intrapreneurial activities and intrapreneurial behaviour

Most of researcher was investigate the impact of internal and external antecedents of intrapreneurial behavour. Most of them found the significant positive relationship between that antecedents on ontrapreneurial behaviour. But when we disscuss about intrapreneurial behaviour, we cannot overlooked the role of several behaviour. Some researcher argued that we can measure the itrapreneurial behaviour through unidimensionnal approarch. But, recently, most of researcher was investigated the intrapreneurial behaviour by using multidimentional approarch. There are several study in this field tried to classified the degree of intrapreneurial behaviour.

There are several dimension of intrapreneurial behaviour. According to Covin and Selvin (1996), there are three dimension of intrapreneurial behaviour namely proactiveness, innovativeness and risk taking.


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